Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PBL Unit: Logo and Company Design


Essential questions:
1.    How does design and creativity affect the success of a company?
2.    How are students prepared to innovate and think creatively?
3.    How does the competitive with the ever-changing demands of the work force effect learning?
4.    Are artist involved in more than the creation of artwork?

Social/emotional objectives:
1. Students will experience the value and challenge of working closely with their peers.
2. Students will experience the joy and workload of group collaboration.
3. Students will evaluate the self and peers with honesty.

Learning Targets:
1.    Students will design a logo based on a fantasy idea.
2.    Students will explain the effectiveness of the logo design.
3.    Students will interact with successful logos and discover the hidden message/image.
4.    Students will uncover what they already know and what they need to know.


Day one: Logo design discussion, hidden messages and the purpose of logos.

·       Introduce Unit: PBL, real life stuff, group work, group grade and individual grade.
·       Give an overview of the days/essential questions and learning targets
·       Take questions
·       Groups students
·       Lead the class in exploring popular successful logos with hidden messages.

Day two:
·       Students will sit in groups
·       Review logos from yesterday: each group will present a logo, and what they learned from yesterday.
·       Pass out fantasy case sceneries
·       Answer questions
·       Release students to work (with the noise meter)
·       Monitor students and answer individual group questions.

Day three:
·       Knows and NTK’s due today

Day Four:
·       Sketch of logo due today
·       Notes and/or rough draft (may be written) of the copy due today
Day Five:
·       Tie up any loose ends from day four
·       make edits to logo or notes
·       review knows and NTK’s. How much progress are we making?
Day Six:
·       Begin writing final copy
·       Begin final logo design
·       Practice presentation
·       What else do students need from the teacher?
Day Seven and Eight (partial)
·       Presentation and discussions
Day Eight (parital):
·       reflect on the success of the grpu, self and peer evaluation.
·       Vote on the class winner.


  Secretary and Police/writer – Kindly reminds people the stay on task and is responsible enough to keep up with the notes (in the AVID binder, backpack, or shelf in the classroom) This person will remember to bring the notes/supplies to class each day. If the person is going to be absent, he/she will pass the notes to another student until he/she returns. This person may also help the presenter.

Artist – This person is responsible for drawing the actual logo design. This person may create several sketches. This person will prepare the final logo to present to the class. This person may also help the police.

Presenter/writer – This person prepares and presents the company and logo design to the class. This person may also help the artist. This person is responsible for creating the presentation poster.

4th group member – If your group has a 4th group member, this person will equally share a job with one of the people above. This means that if your group has 4 group members, the expectations for your group are higher because you have an extra person to help with the work.


Company and Logo Design Unit Rubric (individual) – 9 pts total

Directions: Use the rubric below to evaluate the contribution of your peers to your group work. Each student will receive an individual grade based on his or her contribution to the group.

Your name:

Working, not playing
Completed their work
Helped other group members
Total points
Student name:

1          2          3
1          2          3
1          2          3

Student name:

1          2          3

1          2          3
1          2          3

Student name:

1          2          3

1          2          3
1          2          3

*If the group member did an exceptional job, give him/her a bonus point, for 10 points total.

Other things that I think you need to know about my group:

Company and Logo Design Unit Rubric (group) Total points: 100pt

Directions: This rubric will be used for each student in the group. The grade will count as the project grade.

(15 pts)
 - Simple
 - Clean
 - Eye-catching
 - Easy to understand
 - Represents the company
- Hidden message
- Simple
- Clean
- Eye-catching
- Easy to understand
- Represents the company
- Messy
- No color
- Incomplete
- Represents nothing
- No logo
(15 pts)
- Presenter is prepared and has practiced.
- 3-5 minutes long
- Poster is eye catching and full of important information.

Presenter is prepared.
3 – 4 minutes long
Poster is pretty but could use more information.
Presenter didn’t practice.
3 minutes long
Poster is sloppy/messy with little or no information.
No poster or presentation.
(15 pts)
Informational about what, who, when, where, why and how the company is. Information about the design and thought process of the creation of the logo is also included. The copy is typed and taped or glued to the back of the poster board. No grammar mistakes.
Informational about what, who, when, where, why and how the company is. Information about the design and thought process of the creation of the logo is also included. The copy is hand written and taped or glued to the back of the poster board. No grammar mistakes.
There is little information about the company or logo. The writing is sloppy. This copy has grammar mistakes.
There is no written copy.
(30 pts)
All students work well together and call on the teacher for help needed.
All students work well together but sometimes we get off task.
We are rarely on task and our jobs don’t get done well.
We don’t ever work.
We finished on time!
We finished on time!
Some part of our project was late.
Nothing was on time.

Everyone completed the peer evaluation and received 3’s
Half of the group completed the peer evaluation and received 1’s or 2’s.
No one completed the peer evaluation and
No one completed the peer evaluation.


There is a new school in Little Elm. The school uses no paper or books. Students come to the school building and work in groups with all assignments on the computer/online. Give this school a name and then create a logo for this school. Include a hidden message if possible. Add anything else that you see necessary or desirable.

There is a new restaurant in Frisco. This restaurant serves pizza, of all styles. You make your own pizza right there at your table and then they bake it for you. You get to wear a chef’s hat and apron. They teach you how to throw your pizza dough up in the air. Create a name for this restaurant and then create a logo for this restaurant. Include a hidden message if possible.  Add anything else that you see necessary or desirable.

There is a new car coming out. This car doesn’t use a driver, but a computer and GPS to get people from one place to another. This car uses electric energy, so no gas. Create a name for this car and a logo. Include a hidden message if possible. Add anything else that you see necessary or desirable.

There are new glasses/contacts coming out. They are connected to the internet. When you look through the lens, you can see the internet, texting and facetime, floating in the space in front of you, without a screen. Create a name for the company that makes these contact lenses and glasses. Create a logo and use a hidden message if possible. Add anything else that you see necessary or desirable.

There is a new pair of jeans. They are self cleaning, and never need to be washed. They come in all styles and colors. Create a name for the jeans and a logo. Use a hidden message if possible. Add anything else that you see necessary or desirable.

There is a new type of computer coming out. All you need is the screen. When you turn on the computer, the mouse and the keyboard just appear on the desk with lights. The desk then becomes a touchscreen. It’s kidna like an iPad. Create a name for the company and a logo. Include a hidden message if possible. Add anything else that you see necessary or desirable.


Day one (May 1st) - 3, 2, 1 exit card about logo design

Day two (May 2nd) - Group name due today. Write this on your poster board and tell why/how made the name.

Day three (May 3rd) - Knows/Need to knows. These will be written on poster board and displayed around the room.

Day four (May 6th) - Sketch of logo. Notes about the written portion.

Day five (May 7th) - Cross out/add to “knows/NTK”

Day six (May 8th) - Practice presentation. Presentations begin tomorrow.

Day seven and eight (May 9th- 10th) – Presentations.

My group’s specific goals for meeting the above deadlines: 

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