Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 7 Lesson Plans: Common Core and Art unite!

I changed the formatting of my lesson planning. I'm hoping this will simplify what you are able to see online. We are excited to welcome week 7, as it includes some Common Core and Art for Grade 1! 

Grade 1 – Essential Question: What types of animals do we have in our world?
Standard(s): VA.5.1.6 – Identify actual and tactile textures, VA.6.1.9 – Produce a work of art inspired by or connected to content from other disciplines (literacy), VA.7.1.2 – Tell about personal artwork (writing piece in classroom)

Objectives/Smart Goal: Students will draw an animal of their choice, adding realistic color or imaginary color and tactile texture.

View works of art posted on, discuss what we see: Is it real? Are the colors real? What are the textures?
Draw our own animal with texture.
Grade 2 – Essential Question: What is popular culture?
Standard(s): VA.5.2.4 Distinguish between primary and secondary colors on the color wheel and in works of art, VA.6.2.1 Develop representational mark making skills using various wet and dry media.
Objectives/Smart Goal: Students will continue to create their pop art by adding color to their art.

Use primary and secondary colors to add color to our pop art. Name our pop art. Share our work with other students.
Grade 3 – Essential Question: How are colors and flavors related?
Standard(s):VA.5.3.4 Identify color concepts and VA 5.3.5 experiment with color mixing, VA.6.3.1 Develop imaginary drawing using mark making skills with various wet and dry media.
Objectives/Smart Goal: Students will use primary and secondary colors to create tertiary colors on their ice cream cone.

Mix primary and secondary colors to create tertiary colors. Create a name for our ice cream shop. Look at student examples and find tertiary colors.
Grade 4 – Essential Question: What is value? What is a cityscape?  
Standard(s): VA.5.4.4 Develop basic color theory (value) and Create a detailed imaginary drawing using mark making with various wet and dry media.
Objectives/Smart Goal: Students will continue to create an artwork containing a cityscape and value.

Add detail to the city using sharpies. Paint in the sky creating value.
Grade 5 – Essential Question: How are colors used to evoke emotion?
Standard(s):VA.6.5.11 Select subject matter, symbols and/or ideas to communicate meaning (emotion) and VA.6.5.13 Create artwork that communicates personal observation and life experiences (emotion).
Objectives/Smart Goal: Students will continue to create an artwork that uses color and subject matter to convey emotion.

Continue to draw and add color (based on emotion) to our artwork.

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